High Priestess

21 01 2013

I was fortunate enough to be invited to be a part of a show here at Artspace called, “The Oracles”. It was an amazing show where 22 artists were asked to create a tarot card, each one of the major arcana. I was asked to create the High Priestess.

Once I started reading about the High Priestess and everything she represents, I really felt like I needed more of her in my life. Basically, the High Priestess is about looking within and following your instincts. Knowing that you know best. I hadn’t been following my instincts and I feel it threw me off course for a little while. I’m back on track now, following what I feel and not over thinking things. (at least I try to… 🙂 easier said than done) She is mysterious and mystical and knows all. She is typically shown with a black and white pillar on each side of her, symbolizing dark and light decisions and she stands in contemplation between the two. Instead of the pillars, I have used the light itself to illustrate the light and dark sides of the high priestess. She is half in light and half in shadow. She is holding onto scrolls, information that you can see, but she is not quick to reveal.

She is usually crowned by the moon, shining light on what you may not have noticed before. I show the moon behind her following a spiral that emanates from her third eye. The Golden Spiral. I have always been fascinated with the Golden Ratio, as it’s the most aesthetically pleasing mathematical equation. It’s found in nature and in architecture. Whether it’s on purpose or an accident, it’s fascinating to me. It seems like a paradox–math and art–but also, so very obvious. Of course it can be boiled down to numbers. Of course there is order in this chaos. Of course everything is connected. You just have to listen. From your inner workings, to your outer world.

High PriestessHigh Priestess, 18″ x 24″, oil paint

This show was amazing to be a part of, and I’m so happy to have been involved in it. There was a tarot deck made from the 22 original pieces of artwork that were shown, which you can buy online here.

Thank you to Dawn Manogue who coordinated this project as a part of her culminating project for a Masters Degree in Integrative Health and Healing with the Graduate Institute.