Day 24 – 30 Days of Creativity

17 07 2011

I’m all about letterboxing now! I already made my stamp. I went to the art store today intending to purchase a notebook specifically for letterboxing. I saw a Moleskine that I really liked, but figured… I can make that!

I used an old map for the cover. I wanted it to be like the Moleskine I saw, and I wanted it to be more of a story instead of a standard book. So I made it one long piece of paper folded into a book. This way, each new letterbox stamp gets it’s own page, but you can pull it out and look at them all together too! Here are a few pics of the book:


This shows the cover pretty well. The finished book size is 3.25×5.25, small enough to fit in your back pocket while hiking.




Here you can see how the pages fold.

This is how the book unfolds. There’s another picture with Max in the background with a normal face, but I thought this one was funnier… he’s yawning, OR he’s really excited about all the hikes we are going to go on!

If you want to keep up to date with my 30 days, follow me on facebook or twitter!

Metamorphosis – Finished

2 06 2009

It’s done. It has taken longer than I anticipated due to other projects and life getting in the way. I’ll be starting another one soon… hopefully this one won’t take 6 months to complete! 🙂 

This is the final version of the drawing from this post.



I transferred the original sketch onto illustration board and brushed on a thin layer of gesso. Just enough so it’s protected but I can still see the sketch underneath. The second step is to lay down the initial color with colored pencils and thin them out with turpentine. I do this to create a background layer and give it more dimension. Sometimes I do it more than once, if necessary. I then go over it with many different layers of colored pencils. I keep my pencils sharp and spray it with fixative if it gets to waxy and can’t take any more pigment.

Final drawing is 21.75″ x 6.5″ created with colored pencils.


29 01 2009

Here is my latest piece. Please click on it to get a better view. It’s kind of small in this environment.  I wanted to do a metamorphosis like many of my idols have done: MC Escher, David Wiesner, and Sandro Del-Prete (who I just found recently!). They have invented these worlds that morph into each other all on their own. By playing with perspective and placement these artists create impossible worlds. Something that cannot be done with a camera. That’s what I’m trying to capture here. 

There isn’t really a name for this yet, just “Metamorphosis” for now. I noticed as I was drawing that there is wood in every part of this metamorphosis. In the first part the candle is sitting on a windowsill (made of oak) with trees in the background that come around and become the foreground. The branches, then, turn into streets in the map which is sitting on a table made of pine. So maybe the name of this should have something to do with wood? or trees? Any suggestions?? The map is loosely based on Hartford. Not for any particular reason other than I’m from that area. 🙂

I will be doing more morphing and playing with perspective pieces. I have always been fascinated by it. So stay tuned for more! This piece is done in graphite, and it is 7″ x 22″. (I will also be doing a color version of this with colored pencils.)