
29 01 2009

Here is my latest piece. Please click on it to get a better view. It’s kind of small in this environment.  I wanted to do a metamorphosis like many of my idols have done: MC Escher, David Wiesner, and Sandro Del-Prete (who I just found recently!). They have invented these worlds that morph into each other all on their own. By playing with perspective and placement these artists create impossible worlds. Something that cannot be done with a camera. That’s what I’m trying to capture here. 

There isn’t really a name for this yet, just “Metamorphosis” for now. I noticed as I was drawing that there is wood in every part of this metamorphosis. In the first part the candle is sitting on a windowsill (made of oak) with trees in the background that come around and become the foreground. The branches, then, turn into streets in the map which is sitting on a table made of pine. So maybe the name of this should have something to do with wood? or trees? Any suggestions?? The map is loosely based on Hartford. Not for any particular reason other than I’m from that area. 🙂

I will be doing more morphing and playing with perspective pieces. I have always been fascinated by it. So stay tuned for more! This piece is done in graphite, and it is 7″ x 22″. (I will also be doing a color version of this with colored pencils.)



4 responses

31 01 2009

I love this piece and i cant wait to see more and see this in color

5 02 2009
Jenn DesAutels

Fascinating! Very well done. It has a dreamlike quality the way the images morph, like visual free association.

Hmmm… naming it… The image of the candle wax melting into the brook has a strong presence so even though the trees are on the left side they are secondary in that section of the drawing. It is interesting that the trees sort of “march indoors” only to be subsumed by the map lines. It gives me a feeling of the taming and ordering of nature.

Also a comment that the AAA logo, while realistic and relevant, is a little distracting from the beautiful details of your drawing.

2 06 2009
Metamorphosis – Finished « I am drawn to you.

[…] This is the final version of the drawing from this post. […]

2 06 2009


I have finally finished the color version of this piece. Please see


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